What's New

Celebrate Healthy Change with Celebrity Chef Nikki Shaw at the upcoming Sharing Forum & Awards Ceremony

Be a Champion for Change! Take charge of your health and the health of your family and community. Join the Network for a Healthy California—Gold Country Region, Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Collaborative and Celebrity Chef Nikki Shaw to learn small steps you can take that will lead to better health.

Event activities will feature a healthy cooking workshop, physical activities, a movie about the need for healthy foods in all communities and much more!

  • When: Tuesday, September 28, 2010
    9:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Where: Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
    3333 3rd Avenue
    Sacramento, CA 95817

For more information on attending the event, visit www.healthedcouncil.org. Don't miss out on this exciting day and
sign up by September 24, 2010!

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